In this contemporary musical, a popular teenage girl is abruptly uprooted from her gated community and forced to move to the inner-city. Immediately besieged by drama, Amanda detests her new neighborhood and sees no way out… until she meets her new next door neighbor and classmate, Whitney.
Everything changes.
Whitney’s deeply rooted values and beliefs help Amanda discover how she can rise above ALL THAT DRAMA.
ALL THAT DRAMA the musical is about the real world issues teenagers experience every day. It’s a high paced, emotional rollercoaster that takes the audience through a kaleidoscope of songs about bullying, demands, anger, opportunity and hope. You will laugh, cry, cheer and sing along with a fascinating cast of characters, all playing important roles in helping Amanda and her classmates deal with ALL THAT DRAMA.
Go to the store to learn more about how you can schedule your own performance of ALL THAT DRAMA the musical.